Laguna Phuket Triathlon (Team Relay)

Is your team up to the Race of Legends?

The legendary Laguna Phuket Triathlon invites athletes to enter teams to race in the triathlon relay comprising of a 1.8km swim, 50km cycle and 12km run.

 Teams will comprise of three athletes – a swimmer, cyclist and runner, all above the age of 18. Participants must be healthy, fit and trained for the disciplines and distances required. Team members can be either the same gender or any combination of male/female.
Race Course Map

The Early Bird Available From 17th Jan to 31st May 2025

Age Groups:

Male RelayFemale Relay
Mixed Team
18 & Over
Mixed Team
18 & Over
PeriodThailand ResidentsOverseas
Early bird rate (17 Jan – 31 May 2025)THB 9,240USD 488
Regular rate (1 Jun – 31 Oct 2025)THB 10,650USD 551
Late rate (1 Nov – 11 Nov 2025)THB 11,550USD 593
On-site rate (22 Nov 2025)THB 11,550USD 593
  • Entry fee includes a ticket to the pasta party and awards presentation.
  • Additional pasta party ticket is THB 1,000 (USD 35) for adults and THB 500 (USD 18) for 5-12 years old.
  • Additional awards presentation ticket is THB 1,000 (USD 35) for adults and THB 500 (USD 18) for 5-12 years old.


  • Online registration will open on Friday 17 January 2025 (23:59, UTC+7).
  • Online registration will close on Monday 11 November 2025 (23:59, UTC+7).
  • Please note that the above rates exclude 8.7% handling fee.
  • Entry fees for all includes tickets to the pasta party and awards presentation.
  • Entry is non-refundable.
  • Entry is non-transferable to another competitor.
  • Entry is non-transferable to next year’s competition.
  • Entry fees include VAT.

Team Relay Rules

  1. All rules applying to individual competitors apply to relay competitors except where such rules conflict with specific relay rules.
  2. Any relay team interfering with an individual competitor or in any way placing an individual competitor at a competitive disadvantage will be disqualified. Any relay cyclist riding in a stationary position within 20 meters of an individual athlete entered in the Pro Division will be immediately disqualified and his team will not be allowed to continue in the race.
  3. Each relay team will be provided with one timing chip which must be handled as follows: The timing chip must be worn by the swimmer who must pass it to the cyclist inside the designated area in the transition area. The cyclist must wear the timing chip and pass it to the runner inside the designated area in the transition area. The runner must wear the timing chip until heshe crosses the finish line.
  4. Any team failing to hand off the timing chip inside the designated areas, or failing to cross the finish line with their timing chip will not be included in the official results.
  5. All three team members must be body numbered in the transition area no later than 06:15 h (race day).


  1. Relay swimmers will start in the last wave.
  2. All relay swimmers must wear the official race swim cap throughout the swim segment of the race. The swim cap must not be removed from the swimmer’s head until after the timing chip is passed to the team cyclist.


  1. All relay bikes must be placed in the designated bike racks in the transition area on race pack collection day between 10:00 – 17:30 h. Team bikes may not be removed from the designated bike rack until after the team cyclist has been tagged by the team swimmer. Any team not having its bike in the designated rack or removing it prior to being tagged may be immediately disqualified and not allowed to continue in the race.
  2. After receiving the timing chip, relay cyclists must walk their bikes through the timing checkpoint at the end of the transition area. The team of any cyclists mounting their bikes before passing through the timing checkpoint will be time penalized.
  3. After passing the timing chip to the team runner, relay cyclists must immediately place their bikes on the designated bike racks inside the transition area. All relay bikes must remain in the bike racks until the conclusion of the race when the transition area is opened for the removal of bikes. The team of any relay cyclist failing to immediately rack his/her bike or who remounts his/her bike after passing the timing chip off will be disqualified.


  1. Relay runners are the only team members allowed in the secured area directly behind the finish line. Relay swimmers and cyclists wishing to greet their team runner must do so outside the secured area.
  2. Relay runners must turn in the team timing chip at the finish line immediately after crossing the finish line. Any team failing to turn in its timing chip will not be considered an official finisher.